Welcome back, fiends!

This month's issue of House Boo-tiful features the notorious McPike Mansion located in Alton, Illinois. This home has been featured on several television shows and investigated by numerous paranormal investigators who have found the haunting of the McPike Mansion to be authentic.

The house was built in 1869 by architect Lucas Pfeiffenberger. The original owner of the Mansion was Henry Guest McPike.

The house has not been occupied since the 1950s.  Before weather and vandals brought extensive damage to the structure, it was a regal addition to the Illinois town of Alton.

McPike Mansion today is owned by Sharyn and George Luedke who have been trying to nurture this great house back to its regal state.  It is readily known today for its hauntings in paranormal circles. The grounds are often visited by ghost hunters and haunted tour groups in the area.

It is not uncommon to find in photos of the mansion, orbs, balls of light, even figures appearing in the windows that were not seen by the human eye when the photo was taken.

This Grand Ole House is thought to still house many of the spirits that once lived here.  Many Psychics and Mediums have felt the presence of what they believe to be McPike family, servants, as well as some of those who resided in and owned the house since 1936.

The Cellar has been a focal point of many energies felt in the mansion.

Click here for more beautiful and amazing photos of the McPike Mansion, by Back Beat Photography!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of the McPike Mansion. If you're ever passing through the state of Illinois, I think it would be worth the trip to make a stop by the old mansion. I'm sure they'd love to have you!

If you know of a home that you would like to see featured in the next issue of House Boo-tiful, be sure to send an e-mail, and let us know! Your stories and photos are always welcome.

Have a boo-tiful day!

Violet Price
Editor, House BOOtiful